Interview with Ambrosius (Good & Evil)

Ambrosius - Small Pic

An interview with Ambrosius, by Anthony G. Wedgeworth, author of the Altered Creatures fantasy adventures.

The entire atmosphere changed when he entered the room. I can’t explain how, but I could feel his presence before I looked up to see him stride toward me. He had a weathered handsome face and well-trimmed beard as his shoulder length hair flowed in his wake. The man’s confident walk gave off a sense of having a clear agenda and the conviction to make it happen. I won’t lie. It was intimidating as he approached and then sat down in front of me.

AGW: “Welcome. Are you ready to get started on the interview?”

Ambrosius: “Obviously.”

AGW: “Um…right…I’m a little nervous, so bear with me.” I gave off a weak laugh to lighten the mood.

Ambrosius: No response

AGW: “My readers have mixed opinions about you. Some really support you, others fear what you’re doing, and many are still unsure about your intents.”

Ambrosius: “I have no desire to prove myself to your readers or sway their opinions about me. I have taken action where I have seen the need.”

AGW: “Understood. But do you personally feel you’re one of the good guys or bad guys of this book series?”

Ambrosius: “Good and evil is based on perception. Everyone follows their own desires and goals based on their own history and frame of reference. Am I a malicious murderer if I kill someone? What if it was during a violent battle to overtake the kingdom? How about if the kingdom was corrupt and the invading forces were rebels trying to restore freedom? What if the murder didn’t take place during the heated battle, but instead it happened during an argument in graveyard in the thick of the night? If it was the same person that died over the same conflict with an alternate location and time, why is it looked upon as different? Am I immoral and wicked for the death of this man, or am I praised for stopping a tyrant who has enslaved the public? The answer is both. I am admired by some and hated by others for my actions. However, I will not succumb to the emotions of individuals when making decisions for the greater good.”

AGW: “Okay…Well, I’m not sure where to go with that. A simple yes or no would have really helped clear up this issue for my fans.”

Ambrosius: “That’s your concern as a writer. I’m not shackled with such constraints.”

AGW: “Obviously.”

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